Under sultry moons I sit alone
My thoughts encase my wilted zone
A place where everything is my own
Please don't think I'm not in here
Please don't think that I don't care
To let me slip by unaware
Would give credence to my deepest fear
My limbs on the grass, my eyes in the stars
Slow motion explosions flash from afar
The cerebral snap when eye meets eye
My friends among the stars I scry
In the grass and dirt I cry
Through the great beyond I fly
Watching galaxies go by
I'll be up there when I die
But until then down here I stay
Until then down here I play
Just waiting for the final foray
Sat in the stars with the earth on display
With a sickened mind I grab my wrist
To make sure I still exist
I remind myself not to resist
The cold dark glow of the great abyss
- DSM-5 criteria for Schizoid Personality Disorder, paraphrased slightly