Monkey Profiles Part Six: The Sit-Down Comedian


Indian ink on paper

Print: $5

Deviations: $20

The Sit-down Comedian


Deviant monkey who has rejected the blueprint entirely upon realising that change comes from within (your pocket).


Your semi-famous local vagrant, derelict, or 'outsider artist' who you probably know as 'The Professor', 'Emperor Norton', or '(insert eccentric friend's name here)'s Dad'.


Feeding on leftover energy at the margins of existence.


When you accidentally make eye contact.


Busking, selling subversive artwork to squares and armchair revolutionaries, or holding a sign with an ironic statement like 'Need money for social status' or 'Will get drunk for beer' written on it.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that closed-systems tend to maximise entropy. Entropy is essentially a measure of disorder - the amount of energy within an object or system that is unavailable for useful work. When governing monkeys put energy into maintaining order in one aspect of the blueprint, they invariably create more chaos elsewhere. The Sit-down Comedian is a manifestation of entropy who thrives on the byproducts of society such as spare change and unused spaces, riding the momentum of the big bang toward increasing complexity and chaos. Unburdened by domestic and tribal obligations, The Sit-Down Comedian is free to lurk in the spaces within the shadows, observing the captive monkeys go about their business locked inside the blueprint like animals at the zoo, feeding on their psychic entropy and metabolising it into creations to sell back to -

(The Sit-down Comedian continues to ramble about universal constants, the Socratic Method, and something called 'the clown who laughs and jeers at the edge of the universe', until you buy his stupid monkey profiles off him so he'll leave you alone.)